No Seconds: Last Meals on Death Row by Henry Hargreaves

When someone commits unspeakable and inhumane crimes, it’s difficult to see them as one of “us”, a functioning human being within a collective society. When I stumbled across New York photographer Henry Hargreaves’ series of last meals on death row, I felt as if I was taking a peek into an intimate and private moment of a man in a lonely cell of regrets and looming death. These pictures for some reason humanizes these criminals, and a confusion of morbid fascination drew me in. I wondered what thoughts went through their mind when they took those last bites, knowing they would never taste them again. Talk about getting into the mind of a serial killer! *shivers*

Profiles of the murderers on Wikipedia: Ricky Ray Rector Ted Bundy , Victor Feguer , John Wayne Gacy , Ronnie Lee Gardner , Timothy McVeigh , Angel Nieves Diaz ,   Allen Lee Davis.


  1. so crazy, isn’t it… hard to know what to make of the photos, and how to respond to them..

    1. Totally. On one hand, kudos for coming up with the idea for this photography project. On the other hand, its kinda morbid. I like it though. It makes me question human nature, what we’re capable of and what we all have in common – our love for food!

      1. and lots of fried food and meat…! I love food too but this looks uber-much.

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